past projects
Schools New Construction & Additions
- Llano ISD, Llano, Texas
- Lometa ISD, Lometa, Texas
- Canyon Vista, Austin, Texas
- New Construction: Lampasas Texas - Local housing
Historical Renovations
- Long Barracks, San Antonio, Texas
- Lampasas Courthouse Repairs
Military Contracts
- USACE Projects:
- Building 2265, IT Upgrades
- Red River Army Depot Upgrades
- Building 2265 & 615 Renovations
- Family Military Housing
- New Dormitories
- Modular Barracks Renovation
- Recreational Travel Camp
- Vehicle Maintenance Facilities
- Postal Supply Center
- Comanche II
- Battalion Command & Control Facility
- Building 2001 Historical Renovations
- ...and many more
National Park Service
- Renovations and upgrades to existing park housing.
H-E-B Lampasas, Texas
- New Construction
- New H-E-B in Lampasas, TExas